Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Falling Water

Well, we were "snowed in" over Valentine's weekend!  It started Friday afternoon so we canceled our planned delivery by 3.  By Saturday morning we only had about 3 inches, but the plow had stopped about three houses before ours . . .  So we stayed in, "snowed in" until late that afternoon.  Then we made a quick run to the store, more to get out of the house for a bit than from any pressing need.  Our road was still hairy enough that we decided that we were snowed in for the whole weekend.  So we loafed and watched some spectacular Olympians compete.

Since I had problems with the image of Falling Water 2, here's
Falling Water 1
Varscite from Australia with a Peridot in oxidized Sterling Silver.
The two outer arms have Ridgelines facing outwards too.

Falling Water will be one of our new series of Ridgelines jewelery, and we are both very excited by some of our design ideas.  (And yes, the name was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water ~ as well as by all of the water that we have falling in Western Nortch Carolina!)

Back to updating our Guild Members' Webpage!  (I hadn't realized how behind I had gotten!)  Please feel free to check the new images.